• Calculating SHC of an alloy

    Updated: 2012-06-30 19:20:13
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* I have done an experiment in which I measured the specific heat capacity of a coin. I would like to compare the results to the actual...

  • light sky under primary rainbow..why?

    Updated: 2012-06-30 18:15:05
    Hello Forum, I understand how the primary rainbow is formed: dispersion by water droplets suspended in the air. A single internal reflection takes place. Red color (wavelength) emerges at about 42...

  • Calculating magnetic field of an infinite strip.

    Updated: 2012-06-30 18:12:11
    *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data* Given an infinite long (in the z-direction), with width 2b in the y-direction and no thickness in the x-direction. There is a current...

  • Questions on calc 1

    Updated: 2012-06-30 18:02:55
    Instead of making many threads on different questions, I have decided to make one thread and ask a variety of questions here instead. *1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data*...

  • Perpendicular components of the perpendicular plane

    Updated: 2012-06-30 17:48:48
    What does the the cross product of two acceleration vectors do? (a cross ar) = 0 where a =axi + ayj + azk and ar = arxi + aryj + arzk (a cross ar)x = ay*arz - az*ary (a cross ar)y =...

  • Visualisation in Quantum mechanics

    Updated: 2012-06-30 17:40:02
    A particle in the ground state of a potential well can only gain energy by making a transition to one of the higher allowed energy levels. Let's consider this well to be a 1 dimensional infinite...

  • Communicatieadviseur

    Updated: 2012-06-30 17:30:02
    We have changed the way in which you can search through our database of jobs and have also updated our RSS feeds. You should still see relevant jobs in your RSS feed as before; but it's worth...

  • The Higgs field and the aether

    Updated: 2012-06-30 17:28:56
    I have just watched a video by Professor Brian Cox. In it he describes the proposed Higgs field. If it exists, it is thought that this field permeates all space among other attributes. When I heard...

  • Higgs field and General Relativity

    Updated: 2012-06-30 17:18:55
    If the Higgs field is responsible for embuing particles with mass, and mass is responsible for gravity, is it possible that the Higgs field will provide the missing link between general relativity...

  • Are lasers worth studying?

    Updated: 2012-06-30 16:59:15
    Hi everyone, I am a little bit undecided about which way to take for grad study. Maybe you can give me some advice. The professor that I am planning to study with in a M.S. program (supposed to...

  • What does it take to claim discovery of the Higgs?

    Updated: 2012-06-29 15:49:52
    If the Higgs exists, why has discovering it taken so long – and why, if no definitive discovery is announced next week, might it continue to take even longer?

  • The unreasonable Tevatron: Calculating the economic impact of basic science

    Updated: 2012-06-27 01:33:16
    During a recent symposium at Fermilab, a speaker took the stage to defend government investment in basic science. He used an odd tactic: He called particle physics unreasonable.

  • A Table-Top Test for Quantum Gravity

    Updated: 2012-06-25 20:43:40
    Questioning the Foundations FQXi's 2012 Essay Contest Is Now Open Search FQXi show search help You can use the terms and or in your search or phrases are resolved first , then the and phrases . For example , searching for black hole and galaxy or universe will find articles that have the phrase black hole in them and also have either galaxy or universe in them . Please note that other search syntax like quote marks , hyphens , etc . are not currently supported . When you view web pages with matches to your search , the terms you searched for will be highlighted in yellow . hide search help Forum Home Introduction Terms of Use Order posts : by chronological order most recent first Posts by the blogger are highlighted in orange posts by FQXi Members are highlighted in . blue By using the

  • Higgs Boson Soon? Place Your Bets

    Updated: 2012-06-21 20:30:00
    : skip to main skip to sidebar Thursday , June 21, 2012 Higgs Boson Soon Place Your Bets Over the past few weeks , rumors of a recent Higgs boson discovery have spread rapidly across the internet If you believe the rumors , there's a good chance that LHC scientists will announce strong evidence or maybe even a discovery of the much hyped God particle at an upcoming high energy physics conference in early . July We don't know what's going to happen in July , but we do know what could happen . Thanks to Physics Central's handy B aryon S olenoid Me tric T achyon E nergy R adiometer BSMeTER we can predict the likelihood of what might happen at an upcoming press . conference Our supercomputers have analyzed the data from the BSMeTER and delivered a list of the 15 most likely scenarios . Here's

  • Guests take a peek inside Tevatron experiments

    Updated: 2012-06-20 18:48:42
    In connection with a symposium celebrating the Tevatron, Fermilab scientists gave special tours of the collider's two experiments. A reporter from Naperville Community Television Channel 17 took the opportunity to visit the detectors and filed this report.

  • Voyage To The Center Of A Black Hole

    Updated: 2012-06-20 15:31:00
    What happens inside a black hole? Do the laws of Nature go haywire? A new NASA mission may shed some light into Nature's most enigmatic objects.

  • New “particle physics Bible” released

    Updated: 2012-06-19 16:10:15
    Every two years, the international Particle Data Group releases a new edition of The Review of Particle Physics. The 2012 edition, which runs over 1,400 pages long, was released online today.

  • Why the Heck Does Magneto Have a Graviton Shield?

    Updated: 2012-06-18 08:49:31
    Education Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum Why the Heck Does Magneto Have a Graviton Shield By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide June 18, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter I'm a gamer at heart and recently one of the games that I've been enjoying recently has been Marvel : Avengers Alliance over on Facebook . Readers of the blog will know I'm a big comics fan and recently talked about the science in the Avengers film So when I was playing this Facebook game and Magneto activated his Graviton Shield power I immediately thought one thing Huh Magneto is a villain who mostly goes up against the X-Men . That wasn't the confusing part , though , because there are X-Men

  • 99 things to do at TRIUMF physics laboratory

    Updated: 2012-06-15 16:00:34
    Over a couple of months in late 2011, the two communication interns, along with TRIUMF web publishing coordinator Jennifer Gagné, created “99 Things You Can Do At TRIUMF,” a video to give the non-initiated a peek into the lab life.

  • High-energy X-ray telescope lifts off

    Updated: 2012-06-14 22:33:35
    In a scene straight out of a James Bond film, NASA’s newest high-energy telescope launched into orbit yesterday after being dropped from the underbelly of a Lockheed airplane.

  • Multiverse and Fundamental Cosmology (2nd circ.)

    Updated: 2012-06-14 15:26:03
    Dear Collegues, We would like to remind you that the deadline for an early registration for the conference “Multiverse and Fundamental Cosmology” (10-14.09.2012) is 30th of June 2012. Participants are kindly required to register through our conference server http://cosmo.fiz.univ.szczecin.pl by filling in a registration form and submitting it to the conference address: mcosmo12[AT]wmf.univ.szczecin.pl. Those who [...]

  • Warped Space May Create Escher-like Universe

    Updated: 2012-06-14 00:56:12
    A new theoretical model posted onto the ArXiv website by Stephen Hawking and colleagues proposes something very curious: that space may actually reflect a curious structure that has more in common with the artistic style of M.C. Escher than the smooth fabric that is often taken as the cornerstone of general relativity. As described in New Scientist (registration required):...Read Full Post

  • Neutrino velocity consistent with speed of light

    Updated: 2012-06-08 15:12:44
    Einstein can breathe a sigh of relief – neutrinos obey the cosmic speed limit after all.

  • New Book: “The Geometry of Special Relativity” by Tevian Dray

    Updated: 2012-06-08 01:05:12
    I am pleased to announce the imminent publication of my book: “The Geometry of Special Relativity”, by Tevian Dray, 150 pages; 70 figures. A K Peters/CRC Press, 2012. Publication details are available at: http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781466510470 This book emphasizes the use of hyperbolic triangle trigonometry to solve problems in special relativity. An online version of the book also exists in both wiki and [...]

  • First Erlangen Fall School on Quantum Geometry

    Updated: 2012-06-07 19:33:56
    Dear Friends and Colleagues, the Emerging Field Project “Quantum Geometry” of the FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg is organising a fall school on Quantum Geometry. This a joint project between the departments of physics and mathematics. More details can be found at http://quantumgeometry.nat.uni-erlangen.de/school2012 More information about the EFP Quantum Geometry at http://quantumgeometry.nat.uni-erlangen.de/ More details on the Quantum Gravity Research performed [...]

  • How to Transform Physics

    Updated: 2012-06-05 23:34:58
    Education Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum How to Transform Physics By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide June 5, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter Today I received an e-mail containing the following : question What is the apropriate sic way to spread my revoloutionary sic message on how to transform modern physics When you're at all in the public eye for physics , you get these sorts of requests on a fairly regular basis . I spoke a while back about a rather deft way cosmologist Sean Carroll discussed dealing with physics cranks Still , this particular individual was polite , so I decided to respond at length , offering some of the insights taken from Carroll's earlier

  • CoCoNuT Meeting 2012, in Palma de Mallorca (Spain)

    Updated: 2012-06-04 11:37:14
    The CoCoNuT code is a general relativistic hydrodynamics code with dynamical spacetime evolution. The aim of this numerical code is the study of several astrophysical scenarios in which general relativity can play an important role, namely the collapse of rapidly rotating stellar cores and the evolution of isolated neutron stars. The emphasis this year shall be [...]

  • Black Hole Growth in the Universe, Beijing

    Updated: 2012-06-03 08:23:12
    Pau Amaro-Seoane, Rainer Spurzem, Yun-Kau Lau and Fukun Liu are planning a 5-day informal meeting on “Black Hole Growth in the Universe: Astrophysical Modelling of super- and massive black holes and their environment” to be held at the NAOC in Beijing from Monday 3 to Friday 7th September 2012. Again, as every year, “informal” means [...]

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